
6 steps to build and maintain an active email database

Daniel Belak

Invalid Date

Reading time 8 minutes

Make sure your campaign performance doesn't drop. Download the guide and build a quality email database to boost your campaign deliverability and results, strengthen your relationship with your recipients, or increase the chance of a purchase in your online store.

In the manual, you'll learn how, when and why to incorporate these 6 steps into your email marketing:

● Proper domain verification

Techniques you can't do without.

● Activating double opt-in

Only let in those who really want to be in your database.

● Regular segmentation

Send to the right target groups.

● Database cleaning with ContactSpotlight

Get rid of contacts that are not worth sending to.

● Automated contact reactivation

Try to revive inactive contacts regularly and automatically.

● Database analysis

Monitor and evaluate the health of your database.

Bonus - Each step has been commented for you by experts who have added insights from their practice.

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